I dare to own and hold only my life. ~ Ralph Peterson
Trimetapolarity (nanomutation) Life Lab Living on home-team connecitons, on UPOL sharing co-manifestation, is the key to solving holistic problems in individual, family, social, business, and national organizations, and all problems on the planet and in the universe.
Leaders get dethoned because of lingering blocking others too long in power. Youths grow up as leivathans, sophist-serpent warriors, and poinous bedside spears because of metacultual duplications and being conditioned to whirl lifeboat's feeling depressons too long under tyrant fructuations... until nobody trust anybody with siege mentality, and each leviathans support sophist warriors leveraging vying for money, seat and state power.
Without civic froideur living capitalization. Only pharaoh-ghost-embody plutocratic capitalists' reptile meta duplications govern the planet. The more we try to solve problems intellectually, the more hierarchical complexities get tightened, the more top-down pressures attract bottom-up apocalypse messacres. The the planet get dragged closer to Armageddon.
In time to solve a problem, you have to have higher level of intelligence than the time you created it. ~ Albert Einstein
Nation, company, family is built to last prosperously, when the leaders relearn to 'achieve it and leave it', letting the citizens grow beyond limitatons of pharaonic-plutocratic orthodox limitations within the skulls of the leaders themselves.
Freedom is to release, not to hold. ~ Mohammad
RESPECT: We respect the existence of politics, religions, formal education, Aristocracy, Socraticism, Marxism, feudalism, colonialism, imperialism, racism, nationalism, academicism, and modern management -- as integrals of pharaonic-plutocratic capitalism.
APPRECIATION: Thanks all pharaoh- ghost-embodied plutocratic capitalist integrals for fermenting secular, reptile, bimetapolariy thinking amalgamations of hierachical complexities to explosive extent, scaring and awakening us to seek methodological mentoring to re-state the Noble Self 's nanomutating living.
UNLEARN: Simply making one-time leap across the misery (chasmic sophist warring) sea of Game Plan I to Game Plan II requires consistent practice of hibernating MMMOMMCHHH (Managing, manupulating, motivating orthers for money, material, celebrity hunting and hoarding), belittling other (people, plant, animal, bacteria, planet earth and the universe) lives, embattled feeling parameter sets, and anmimal's self-indulgence, love-to-take and greed-lust-anger metahabitual skullings.
You can't leap twice across the chasm. ~ Old Chinese sages
UPOL mentors free space and time to bimetapolarities to try their ways -- until they want to get out of struggling (self-destructive, locomotive leader) life on death path.
Like roaming a pineapple plantation, no good reason to destroy or feel upset with the green fruits. Just pickup the ripe ones.
After 30-45 the majority of men and women completely capsulate life in pithy gridlocks of human larvae encasement (of heroism <> egoism <> individualism addiction), for lingering to loong on pressuring death path.
Life begins (living absolutely free in all areas) at 40, if getting lifted on trimetapolarity nanomutation life lab living by 35 metamophosing out of left brain-made human larvae encasement.
Miraculous hu(ge) manimation doesn't go lasting along with heroism <> egoism <> individualism up & down darning engine, single person, family or tribe, has limited time, physical energy, and material facilities to prospect for and help uplifting 2% of 7,000 million population to end apocalypse, cooling down the planet, and condom or disperse potential [whirling collective psychic clouds of higher conciousness] Armageddon [when apocalypse reaches peak momentum]. What UPOL mentors, ambactuses, sacrifice apprentices and devoted novices can do are;-
>> Empower voluntary spiritual teachers, healers, money-making & life coaches, preachers, post modern scholars, and family, business, political, or state leaders (who already helping bimetapolarities survive Wisdom-test Game Plan I) to co-function with, and relearning from NML ambactuses sensoring for whoever has The Son, helping them get prepared, and refer toUPOL mentors (co-organizing relearning trips on UPOL (mentexodus) travel ring road).
>> Lifting the referred volunteers who has The Son on board trimetapolarity practice, and send them back to leverage UPOL sharing co-manifestation as co-innovavative apprentice, partners, and/ or successors carrying on the missionary functions of the referring ambactus.
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